Title: Compulsion

December 05, 2006

What poops on floors and walks into doors
and makes a grumpity sound?
A cat that's fat and dumb as a bat,
everyone knows it's Simonster (image link).
Simonster, Simonster, she eats little girls and boys
Simonster, Simonster, she's anything but a joy.

Yes, that's our cat, Simone, aka Simonster. The one who does a great beached beluga whale impersonation, is convinced that her own tail is stalking her, and has recently taken to diving face first into the couch to viciously attack the evil blanket that's out to get her. If anyone is in the market for a fat, retarded cat...

And for the record, Simone is Ross' cat, not mine. I'm not taking responsibility for that thing. My magnificent tigress is the illustrious Zola Love.

listening: cake . reading: native sons

walk: 45 minutes . weight lost: 0 pounds