Title: Compulsion

OCTOB00!ER 31, 2005

Run! hide! It's... Simonster!

Simone dressed up as herself for Halloween. Although, I think the actual photo may be scarier. Poor Simonster.

Today is our fifth wedding anniversary, but we didn't spend it together. Ross was at work all day then had to teach at psu tonight, so I saw him for all of 10 minutes... Hello, happy anniversary, goodnight. Tres romantic. But it was probably for the best since I woke in a mood that would frighten even Satan and remained upwardly manaical all day. Damn hormones.

So I was a grumpazoid for Halloween, and yet my walk was truly divine. I was still surly, but there's something cathartic about a walk in the rain when you're in dour spirits, especially in autumn. The dark night, wet streets, falling leaves, rain soaked body... It fits your sulenness yet feels so decadent and lush, turning a dark mood enlivening and you begin to embrace the way you feel, even revel in it. Although at that point, you can't quite call it a bad mood anymore, which is the wonder of a walk in the rain. You finish it cleansed.

And while Ross and I agreed that we weren't going to do anything for our anniversary (at least not yet) because of our schedules and money being tight, wouldn't ya know, he coyly handed me a card as he got out of the car at class tonight. "Ross! We said we weren't going to do anything for our anniversary! Now I feel like a dork because I didn't do anything for you!" I huffed, but he just smiled and told me not to worry about it. But my huffiness was a smoke screen to throw him off because, while our schedules were off and money is tight, I still have boobs. And photoshop.

Last week, we were out shopping and I found some bras that I liked. As I headed to the dressing room with a few in hand, Ross picked up a racey red uber cleavage bra and said, "what about this one?" with a mischievous grin. "That one," I said, "is expensive and not in our budget." I might as well have told him there's no Santa or, worse, that Bill Gates is buying Apple, what with how unhappy he looked. But I am noble and not one to denie mankind gratuitous cleavage shots, so I told him I'd try it on for fun.

While in the dressing room, I remembered that I had my camera with me, and have camera-will shoot. I thought Ross would get a kick out of it, being surprised with photos of moi in la bra. I sometimes surprise him with other imagery, I use porn images and photoshop them into erotic little treats for him, and he enjoys that, but always asks why I never do those kind of images of myself. Which makes me laugh. No one likes weeble porn, I've told him time and again, but he swears I don't look like a weeble and that such images of me would be welcome and beautiful.

So that was his anniversary treat, cleavage shot of me in the bra, although only barely racey, if you can call it racey at all. It's hard to do those kind of images of yourself, what with your own perspective on your body being too critical, so I went nuts with photoshop. So Ross now has a distort wave square cleavage shot, a fitting gift for a geek.

The image can be viewed but, if you're morally oppossed to boobs, offended by cleavage, way too uptight, or someplace where you can't look a digi-tit-al, don't click the link.

listening: depeche mode . reading: slaughterhouse-five

walk: 67 minutes . weight lost: 17.0 pounds