Title: Compulsion

DECEMBER 17, 2008

Day #417 of captivity. Or so it seems.

Will the snow and ice and ice and snow and snow and ice ever end? I'm so sick of being housebound by snow that I'm nearly homicidal and the forecast of snow Saturday and freezing rain Sunday would push me over the edge if it wasn't for the fact that I've come down with a cold and NyQuil is keeping me sedated.

So to keep from going nuts from cabin fever, we've been making daily treks out into the elements and walking to neighborhood restaurants for coffee, food and, most importantly, alcohol. Ok, so we haven't been drinking that much, but I did imbibe enough when we went to McMenamins that the walk home led me to decide that "Drunks on Ice" would be a much more enterataining show than "Stars on Ice." Yeah, turns out I can't ice skate sober or drunk.

On the way home from one of our outings, we stopped to take photos of a house down the street from us that is all decked out for the holidays. The house, itself, is gorgeous - an old, turn of the century home that was renovated a few years ago - and with the addition of Christmas lights and snow, it's a lovely sight.

Unfortunately, the photos didn't turn out well. The lights are prettier and there's more color than the photo shows, but that's what happens when you use an iPhone to take photos at night while shivering. Ross deserve kudos, though, for his photo taking bravery seeing as, when he took the shot , he was standing out on an icy street as a car was slidding and skidding down the street towards him.

Hopefully, though, this ultra foul weather will end soon so that we can find ways to entertain ourselves that don't involve getting drunk and playing dodge car on icy streets. But, given that the snow and ice is supposed to last at least another four days, I may just spend the interim mainlining NyQuil and sleep until its over.

listening: fatboy slim . reading: breaking dawn

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 10 pounds