Title: Compulsion

NOVEMBER 18, 2008

The post season is here and, for the first time in four years, UP were awarded homefield advantage in the playoffs and the first and second round games were last weekend, here in Portland. And, probably needless to say, I was psyched!

UP's first round game was against Northern Arizona Friday and was a scoring bonanza, with UP routing Arizona 6-1. Then came the second round game against Texas on Sunday and, while there was no scoring blitz like the previous game, UP still had a 2-0 victory and advanced to the 3rd round of the playoffs.

With these latest wins, UP now has a record of 19-1-0 and extended its winning streak to 18 games, which is the best in school history. And while an 18 game winning streak would be impressive for any team, it is especially good for UP, what with the fact that they're playing without three of their best players, who are currently in Chile playing for the U.S. in the Under-20 World Cup.

So now it's on to the third round of the playoffs where UP faces James Madison. Yeah, that's right, who knew that the fourth president of the United States was still alive and competing in womens college soccer! Ok, so it's not James Madison the president that UP will play but, instead, James Madison University.

And, while I didn't think there was any chance the NCAA would decide to let UP host the third round game, what with the NCAA's penchant for screwing UP over when it comes to homefield advantage in the playoffs, the NCAA surprised the hell out of UP fans this week by announcing that the third round game will, in fact, be here in Portland on Saturday, November 22nd.

And November 22? That's just two days before my birthday and, while I've been having trouble coming up with a birthday wish list for Ross, I do know at least one thing that I want for my birthday and it's a UP victory.

Cant. Wait. For. Saturday!

listening: coldplay . reading: twilight

walk: 30 minutes . weight lost: 10 pounds