Title: Compulsion

JUNE 01, 2008

en-nui (noun) - a feeling of weariness and discontent; dullness and languor of spirits, arising from satiety or want of interest; tedium.

Ennui. It sounds like such a pretentious word, but I can't think of another that really describes the funk I'm in. This definitely isn't depression. I don't feel down, sad or hopeless. Just bored, restless and uninspired; a general sense of malaise. Or, as Ross put it the other day, everything just seems meh. Really, really meh.

But regardless of phrasing, the cause of this languor is undoubtedly the weather and the fact that it is still just as grey, dreary, and rainy as the middle of winter. Summer, even the faintest hint of it, simply refuses to show up and the eternally grey, oppressive weather is really taking a toll on peoples moods.

Like the other day, I was walking to my cafe when when a woman, who was huddled with friends out on a bar patio having drinks, suddenly yelled, "I can't take it anymore! I'm from Alaska and even I can't stand this weather!" And when people from Alaska start losing it due to the weather, you know it's bad!

Of course, whining about the situation doesn't really help, but it does explain the lack of motivation seen here in my journal as of late. It is, after all, hard to write when you've had your ass kicked by the colour grey and are currently in the process of de-evolving into a mole due to lack of sunshine.

Current weather: rainy and 55° with wind at 18mph, gusting to 30 mph.


listening: r.e.m. . reading: ---

walk: 20 minutes . weight lost: 12.5 pounds