Title: Compulsion

JANUARY 14, 2008

For the sake of bandwidth, I took the big version of this photo off the front page and replaced it with a small one that Ross made. To see the full size photo that was originally here, click the photo to the left.

"It's a trap!"

In Zola's defense, she was yawning when I took this and is actually a gorgeous cat. Ross thinks this is lolcat worthy but I can't think of a caption. Maybe something about being possessed or The Joker?

Ross thinks "it's a trap" is a good caption, but that's because he's a geek and needs to get out more. I'd guess most people aren't big enough Star Wars fans to get the reference and, what's more, I don't know why this made him think of Ackbar. But I suppose the fact that I'm debating this is a sign I need to get out of the house even more than Ross does.

listening: kanye west . reading: ---

walk: 25 minutes . weight lost: 10.5 pounds