Title: Compulsion

JANUARY 08, 2008

image: kitten It's official, kitten has a name. It took nearly a month but, after much pondering and disagreement over the issue, we've finally decided on the name Roxy Kocicka Janeway for our new kitten, or Roxy for short.

Roxy is the name of the cafe that Ross and I went to the first time we went out and Roxy is also the name of the club in Prague where we met Depeche Mode so it's a sentimental name to us and a good fit for kitten.

As for Kocicka (co-cheech-ka), it's the Czech word for 'kitten' and since we have a Czech bent in naming things and we called Roxy kitten the first month we had her, we figured we'd make it her middle name.

And Janeway? That's because we're geeks and geeks do things like name their cats after Star Trek characters and in this case it's Captain Kathryn Janeway of Voyager. Previously, the only Star Trek series I liked was Next Generation, but Ross likes Voyager and I've started watching it with him and really like it. I like Seven of Nine (although I tease Ross by calling her 7-11) and we joked about calling Roxy 3 of 3 since she's our third cat, but that seemed a bit redundant. I also like Chakotay and, if kitten was male, that might be her name, but kitten is a girl and a brave one at that, so Janeway was the obvious choice.

Of course, after calling Roxy nothing but 'kitten' for almost a month, we're having a hard time breaking ourselves of that habit and we'll probably always call her kitten on a regular basis, especially now that Ross has nicknamed her Kitten the Barbarian. Which, actually, is the most fitting name of all for her.

listening: koop . reading: brave new world

walk: 20 minutes . weight lost: 10.0 pounds