Title: Compulsion

JANUARY 04, 2008

I have an aversion to taking a lot of medications at the same time so, in October, when I got the sinus infection from hell, I decided to stop taking my anti-depressant and insulin sensitizer while on the sinus meds since taking 6 medications several times a day was too much for my gastrointestinal system.

Of course, stopping my regular meds didn't seem like a big deal at the time since it was only supposed to be for a few weeks, but then the sinus infection refused to go away and the painful, snot filled sojourn lasted much longer than expected and the result has been a long vacation from my anti-depressant.

To say my brain is an anxiety filled ball of angst would be an understatement. I'm not just dabbling in despair, I'm soaking in it, and let me tell you, Madge, it's not softening anything! And to make things worse, I stopped exercising when I had the infection since feeling like I had a knife stuck in my face didn't make me keen on aerobic activity. And going without meds and exercise, my weapons against depression, for so long? During the stress of the holidays and pallor of winter? Oi, talk about something that makes you all fercockt!

But the good news is that the infection finally seems to have cleared and, while I'm still slapping myself and saying doh! for having gone off my meds, I started back on my anti-depressant and insulin sensitizer, which means the countdown to feeling better is on, going (sideways, highways, riding on an elevator, cold just like an alligator, now my baby's out of date, fighting and lightning, and tightening above the buckles, of an atom bomb's time bomb) tick tick tick.

Of course, I'd really like to speed up time and arrive instantly in the land of happy but I don't think the time warp episode of The Universe has aired yet (even though it's just a jump to the left and then a step to the right) so I'll have to do this the old fashioned way. You know, getting all Gregorian on your ass. Or my ass, as the case my be. But regardless of whose ass we're using for the Gregorian buttcheek calendar, I started my anti-depressant yesterday, which means 2 buttcheeks down and only 12 to go in the big ass countdown to sanity.

Although I often notice improvement before the two week point so if sometime over the next week or so, you see a giant weeble wafting through the far reaches of sanity's stratosphere, don't be alarmed. It's just me trying to find my way back home.

listening: beck . reading: brave new world

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 10.0 pounds