Title: Compulsion

NOVEMBER 14, 2007

Last week's stuffy sinuses developed into a raging infection over the weekend so I've spent the last few days in absolute misery. The intense pressure in the sinuses on the right side of my face has left me feeling like I have a knife wedged in my nose and caused the teeth on the right side of my jaw to throb in excruciationg pain and that paired with my eyeball feeling like it's being squeezed in a vise to the point that it might pop right out of my head has made me one very unhappy camper.

Little did I know how insanely painful sinusitis could be but, I tell you, I'd much rather have a kidney stone than this wretched infection. The pain has been so intense that at times it has pushed me to the breaking point of sanity but, thankfully, I was able to get in to the doctor who took one peek inside my nose and said, yep, I have one hell of a sinus infection so I'm now on massive doses of amoxicillin and pain meds and impatiently waiting for relief. Unfortunately, it takes time for the antibiotic to beat the infection into submission, so I'm still miserable, but hopefully I'll be seeing the light at the end of my nostril soon.

A speedy recovery is especially important seeing as UP are starting their playoff run this week. UP is heading to Colorado to take on Denver in the first round on Friday and, provided UP wins, they will then play the winner of the Colorado vs Hawaii match on Sunday. Hopefully my infection will be better by then so that I can run screaming around the apartment like a madwoman when I listen to the games online because, as everyone knows, a soccer team's success is dependent on their fans acting like complete and utter lunatics.

listening: depeche mode . reading: love in the time of cholera

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 12.5 pounds