Title: Compulsion

OCTOBER 03, 2007

As I was leaving the apartment today I stopped to check the mail and my heart jumped when I saw an envelope addressed to me from the United States District Court. I immediately started to panic, because that's what dorks like me do in these situations, but then I was hit with a sudden feeling of deja vu.

Didn't I go through this exact same thing a month or so ago? Yeah, I did. I was leaving the apartment, stopped to check the mail, freaked when I saw an envelope addressed to me from the county court, but all it turned out to be was a jury summons. No big deal.

But the thought that I'd just been through this same thing wasn't comforting because if I'd already received a jury summons, what could the government be sending me now? This must be something serious, I figured, because it couldn't be another jury notice. I mean, you can't be summoned for jury duty twice in less than two months, can you?

Yes, you can! When I took a deep breath and opened the envelope I got today, I was flabbergasted to discover that it was a juror qualification questionnaire from the United States District Court. Oh, lucky me, I'm in the jury pool. Again!

Initially I thought this couldn't be random and figured that when the county pulled my name for jury duty it automatically entered me in the district court jury pool as well, but Ross said he was pretty sure it doesn't work that way and court papers proved him right. It says my name was drawn by random, so I'm randomly lucky enough to be summoned for jury duty twice in two months.

What are the odds of that? Does this type of luck mean I should buy a lottery ticket because my odds of winning are great or does it mean I'll likely be hit by a meteor? Actually, it probably means I'd be hit by a meteor right after winning the lottery, so no lottery tickets or flipping the bird at Mars for me in the near future. Not that I often flip off the planets, just an occasional rude gesture towards Uranus. But no more messing with Uranus. I don't want to tempt fate.

Eh. Writing to the county court explaining that I have a severe, bizzaro form of insomnia that makes me a bad candidate for jury duty was hard enough, but now I have to do it again with the district court. Granted, I could use the same letter I sent the county, but I wasn't happy with that letter and should write a better one. But, hey, if I take my time crafting this one I can multitask and use it for other things as well. Dear Friends, Family, and U.S. District Court.... Yeah, that should make a great start to Christmas cards this year.

listening: dave gahan . reading: ---

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 12.5 pounds