Title: Compulsion

AUGUST 05, 2007

Huzzah! I finally passed my kidney stone! The one that started gnashing its way through my system at the speed snails weeks ago. Of course, I didn't mention here that I had a kidney stone and, in fact, haven't posted anything for weeks but that's because, along with having a kidney stone for the last month, I was also dealing with an awful cold, a nasty bout of dyshidrosis, Ross' sprained ankle, and my 13 year old nephew, Harrison, having heart surgery.

So that's why there's been nary a post here for awhile and I know that when I go awol I should at least make a post explaining why, but as I said I've been dealing with dyshidrosis (blistering eczema) so my hands have been covered in itchy, painful blisters, which has made it hard to do anything with my hands. Thankfully, I've reached the end of this latest bout, which means the blisters are mostly healed and now my skin is just dry and cracked, so I can finally start using my hands again. And thank zod for that because you get some strange looks in restaurants when you eat your food with your toes.

And as for my 13 year old nephew having heart surgery, no, that wasn't a typo. Harrison started to have chest pains and racing heart a few months ago, which his doctor first chalked up to stress, but when the symptoms continued to get worse Harris was sent to a cardiologist and it was discovered that he had a heart defect - there was too much tissue in part of his heart - and since the tissue was interfering with the heart's ability to function, Harris needed surgery to remove the tissue. Thanks to the marvels of modern medicine, the surgeons didn't have to open his chest for the surgery but, instead, were able to snake instruments up to Harris' heart via a vein in his leg and cauterized the tissue. The whole thing was scary but the surgery was a success, Harris came through it with flying colours, and he now has a clean bill of health. Yea! :)

So, it's been a wild, wacky summer of physical ailments and health scares and that paired with the lingering effects of the uber nasty case of writer's block has kept me quiet but I'm feeling much better and I'm bound and determined, hell bent you might even say, to get back to posting about this jet set, ultra exciting life of mine. Ok, so my life is actually more of a tour de force of weird medical problems but I'm sure that, in some alternative universe, if you half closed your eyes and looked at it from the right angle that might be considered interesting. Because who doesn't consider snot, kidney stones, and skin plagues riveting? Snot is the new black, after all.

listening: vnv nation . reading: harry potter: deathly hallows

walk: 20 minutes . weight lost: 10 pounds