Title: Compulsion

JUNE 12, 2007

As Ross and I left the cafe tonight and walked out to our car:

Ross: Man, I did a really shitty job parking the car.

Ross: [brief pause as a look of horror crosses his face]

Ross: Oh shit.

Me: Yes, that's right. *I* parked the car.

Ross: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean shitty. I'm sure there's a good reason...

Me: Just shut up and get in the trunk.

Ross: Ok. Fair enough.

Marriage tip #73: always remember who drove the car last before criticizing the parking job, otherwise you may end up riding in the trunk on the way home.

And for the record, I didn't do a shitty job parking. When we got to the cafe, there was only one parking spot left and it was next to a ginormous SUV that took up more than its own space so I ended up having to park wonky. Damn SUV - hogged up all the parking and relegated Ross to being a trunk monkey. But that reminds me, I need to go let Ross out of the trunk...

listening: the cure . reading: --

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 9 pounds