Title: Compulsion

MARCH 23, 2007

Turns out it was a diesel spill that caused my car accident Monday. We called the police Tuesday and they confirmed that, not only was it a diesel spill, but that the spill caused four other accidents after mine and that they had to shut down I-5 to get the mess cleaned up. Along with that, the police also gave us the name and number of the officer who saw my accident so that our insurance could call her and confirm that it wasn't my fault.

As for getting our car fixed, it seems Geico really is so easy a caveman could do it. We reported the accident to Geico Tuesday afternoon and, by Tuesday night, Geico had processed the claim, had us scheduled to take the car into a repair shop Wednesday, and helped us get a rental car. Then, to top that off, when the repair shop said it would take 2 weeks to fix our car, Geico called the repair shop and got them to cut the repair time to one week. And initially I wasn't happy with the fact that we have to pay a $500 deductible to get the car fixed but, when I found out the total repairs will cost over $5,000, that $500 deductible suddenly didn't seem so bad.

So our car is already at the mechanic and we have a rental in the meantime, which has left Ross and I a bit surprised since we thought dealing with the accident, insurance and repairs would be a time consuming headache inducing process. Not that we're complaining about Geico's efficiency, it's just that truly good service is so rare anymore that it's startling to find it really does exist.

Although, if there's one thing this accident has taught me it's that, if at all possible, don't crash your car on a bridge because hitting a bridge wall at high speed and not knowing if the wall will hold is rather terrifying. That may not seem like a realistic fear, but it actually happened here in Portland. A woman lost control of her SUV on the Morrison bridge, crashed through the rail, and plunged into the Willamette river. Thankfully she survived, but I think she can attest to the fact that crashing on a bridge can easily give you nightmares, not to mention make you wary of bridges, which isn't a good phobia to develope when you live in a city nicknamed bridgetown.

Of course, it doesn't help that I ended up watching a re-run of CSI Miami last night that involved a car crashing off a bridge and falling into the water below but, as Ross always tells me when I get too involved in scary plot lines on tv, tv shows are only fiction with plots so implausible that they'd never actually happen in real life. I'm not sure if that means I don't really need to worry about crashing off a bridge or that my life has simply become stranger than fiction but, either way, I think I'll be swimming across the river from now on.

Granted, an easier solution would be to stop watching shows like CSI Miami, but give up my weekly fix of Adam Rodriguez? I don't think so!

listening: depeche mode . reading: on beauty

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 7 pounds