Title: Compulsion

FEBRUARY 06, 2007

Feeling a bit out of sorts lately...

Quiet and struggling. Not much for words these days, so Zola and I have been playing with Photo Booth. Zola is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful cats on the planet but, in the past, I was never able to get good photos of her because she would always squint or close her eyes when I took the photo, regardless of whether I used a flash. Just recently, however, I discovered that I can get pretty good pictures of Zola via Photo Booth (Mac program that uses built-in iSight camera to take pictures). Why that works better, I have no idea, because Photobooth puts out its own kind of flash (MacBook screen flashes white right before photo is taken) but, for some reason, it doesn't bother Zola like a camera flash does and so I've finally been able to get some better photos of her. But, inevitably, when it come to using Photo Booth, you always end up spending most of your time playing with the goofy effects, like in the "squeeze" filter used in this side image.

Me, without the "squeeze" filter.   |   Zola looking simply stunning.

listening: depeche mode . reading: on beauty

walk: 60 minutes . weight lost: 7 pounds