Title: Compulsion

December 03, 2006

The bastards won. UNC won the championship today, making it the 18th time they've won it and suffice to say I'm not a happy camper. It was bad enough when UP was eliminated, but then to have a team I loath go on to win their 18th championship and further their monopoly on the title was excruciating. But rather than rant endlessly about it, I'll leave it at saying that I desperately hope someone kills dethrones UNC next year, and hopefully it will be UP.

And it seems Tivo hates UNC as well seeing as it up and changed the channel in the middle of the game in order to record a show about road construction, which made me wonder if Tivo is smarter than we realize. Technically, our Tivo is programmed to view soccer as the most important thing in the world, so it was very naughty of Tivo to forsake the soccer match and it should have known better, but of all the teams to change the channel on... I believe this is a huge step forward in the field of artificial intelligence.

But not all the soccer news is bad. The U.S. Women's National Team just won the CONCACAF Gold Cup and qualified for the 2007 Women's World Cup and what made it even better is that UP's very own Stephanie Lopez played for the U.S. in the championship match. I've been hoping like mad that Steph will make the National Team's roster for the World Cup, but didn't know how good her chances were since college players are rarely chosen to play in the World Cup, but the fact the National Team played her in a crucial World Cup qualifier indicates the odds are good that Steph will make the World Cup squad. And how dreamy would that be? A current UP player in the World Cup! Me thinks I would spontaneously combust with joy.

listening: death cab for cutie . reading: native sons

walk: 55 minutes . weight lost: 0 pounds