Title: Compulsion

November 12, 2006

image Torrential rain, howling winds, and an eight hour power outage. Not the most enjoyable night and I think the rain is starting to drive me mad. Only November 12th and we're already 420% above average monthly rainfall. Oi.

But my camera doesn't require electricity, so we entertained ourselves by taking photos of each other and all the candles. Not surprisingly, the photos turned out looking like they were taken while running around in the dark tripping over cats, but they did provide hours of photoshop fun, which was a god send on a night like this.

This image started out as a dark, blurry photo of a candle and then evolved into... Well, I don't know what it is, but I had fun working on it. I used to love playing with photoshop and using it as a creative outlet but, when I got my MacBook awhile back, I had to get a new version of photoshop, and I hated it, to the extent that I avoided it unless I had to use it for work.

So I've been going without my creative fix as of late, which has made me very unhappy, but the total lack of anything else to do tonight finally forced me to sit down and come to terms with the new version of photoshop, so this long, dark night turned out to be a good thing after all in that it reminded me of a few things I all too easily lose sight of sometimes, like the fact that you don't get better at something unless you work at it and that you never know what you are capable of until you try.

listening: foo fighers . reading: violent bear it away

walk: 20 minutes . weight lost: 0 pounds