Title: Compulsion

November 07, 2006

It was one of those rare nights when all felt right with the world.

The torrential rain finally let up, Lana the hair god worked her divine magic on my tresses, coffee out with Ross, an amazing walk through a crisp autumn night and colourful leaves, and the democrats regained control of the house and possibly the senate. It was enough to make even a mopey dope like me downright, well, dare I say... Happy.

But the most amazing part was the fact that Charlie Brown was elected as California's attorney general and suffice it to say I was downright floored to hear that. Then again, we are talking about California. If they were willing to elect an Austrian body builder turned bad actor as state governor, I guess a comic book character attorney general wasn't far behind.

Although, I should clarify. Charlie Brown wasn't actually elected as California's attorney general, OPB just accidently announced it that way, which made me laugh so hard I nearly drove off the road.

I was on my way home from the store and listening to OPB for election results when one of their political commentators said, "it looks like California has just declared Charlie Brown the winner of the state's attorney general race." A distinct moment of silence followed and then one of the other commentators said, "uh... Charlie Brown?! Are you sure about that? Don't you mean Jerry Brown?" But no, the first commentator was adamant, Charlie Brown won the election, at which point an unintentionally comical argument broke out between the political experts over whether California elected Charlie Brown or Jerry Brown as attorney general, which had me chuckling all the way home.

But, who knows, maybe Charlie Brown would make a good politician. Its not like a comic book character could do any worse than the herd of clowns we have in office now.

listening: depeche mode . reading: violent bear it away

walk: 60 minutes . weight lost: 0 pounds