Title: Compulsion

October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006


Our Sixth Wedding Anniversary

I masqueraded as Satan tonight, but needed no make-up or costume. I've been fighting a migraine headache for the past two days and thus I was about as friendly as rabid, demon possessed pitbull when Ross got home tonight. He walked through the front door in a chipper mood, bearing cards and gifts, at which point I started growling and my head spun round in circles with cherry pits flying out of my mouth, but I managed to do the most loving thing I could to celebrate our anniversary, which was to leave by myself and go take my walk. Not the most romantic way to spend your anniversary but, considering the diabolical mood I was in, not having to spend the evening with me was the best gift I could give Ross.

Bit of a bummer that, battling it out with a migraine on our anniversary, but we have the rest of our lives to spend together, so we can celebrate another night. Well, provided Ross doesn't wise up and move and leave no forwarding address, which I wouldn't blame him for on nights like these. But I guess that's marriage for you - terror filled and full of surprises. No, wait, that's Halloween but, when you're married to me, it's easy to get the two confused.

Sigh. Grumble. Thunk self on head. Repeat.

listening: ministry . reading: violent bear it away

walk: 40 minutes . weight lost: 0 pounds