Title: Compulsion

S E P T E M B E R  0 1 ,  2 0 0 6

Oh, glorious day! UP won! They beat UW-Milwaukee tonight at the Husky (Univ of Washington) Nike Invitational in Seattle. It was a close game (3-2), but UP pulled it off and I have since been rolling on the floor in ecstasy.

Suffice it to say that Ross was pleased to come home on a Friday night and find me frolicking around the apartment with a huge grin on my face. We've both been so tired and frustrated (and, in my case, cranky) lately, that Ross looked a bit confused when he walked through the door tonight and I pranced over to him doing a silly little dance. He opened his mouth, as if to say, 'who is the happy woman and what has she done with my wife?' but after a brief quizzical look, he just smiled said, "Ahh, I take it UP won."

Ah, that Ross, he's a good man. He puts up with my soccer mania and refrains from having me committed. If that's not love, then I don't know what is.

listening: beastie boys . reading: the kite runner

walk: 60 minutes . weight lost: 6 pounds