Title: Compulsion

A U G U S T  0 4 ,  2 0 0 6

Finally, we are home. The drive from Salt Lake City to Portland was 780 miles and, including the delays due to road construction and pit stops to eat, pee, and complain about being stuck in the car, it took us about 12 hours.

When we got home, I was so excited to see Zola kitty that I ran into the apartment expecting a joyous reunion, but was instead met by a seriously peeved feline. I started calling her name as soon as I got in the front door but she was nowhere in sight, so I went into the bedroom and found her on the bed giving me her best, "yeah, what the hell do you want?!" look. "Zola! I'm so happy to see you! I'm sorry we were gone so long," I told her, but she was non-plused and let out a seriously grumpy, "ME-OW!" Oh, she was not a happy camper kitty. I thought it might be a few days before before she forgave us but, when I woke up in the middle of the night, I found her sprawled out on me, purring her little heart out. Ah, yes, it's good to be home.

Vacation Stats: we drove 2,000 miles in eight days through five states

listening: -- . reading: crimson petal and the white

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 6 pounds