Title: Compulsion

A U G U S T  0 3 ,  2 0 0 6

Last day in Salt Lake City and one of our ventures was to see the 'This Is The Place' monument. And what place is that? The place where, after the mormon's long trek west, Brigham Young announced that this was the place where the mormons would make their headquarters. And so they did, turning Utah into mormonville.

Although, in actually visiting the place, you kind of have to wonder if Brigham Young meant something else by proclaiming, "this is the place." Like, perhaps he meant that it was the best place to be swarmed by gnats. Or the best place to be bitten by big mosquitos. Or maybe he meant it was the best place for his church to eventually erect a huge phallic monument to him. And if that last one is what he meant then, by george, he certainly got his wish. Granted, there's more to This Is The Place than the giant Brigham Young tribute phallus, but we didn't stay long enough to see it, since we were being attacked by swarms of rabid mosquitos. But then, maybe that was just god punishing me seeing as, back in college, I had sex at the This Is The Place monument with my mormon boyfriend and something tells me that "this is the place to boink your boyfriend" is not what Brigham Young meant.

After more sight seeing and shopping, we took our tired, sun burned bodies to Dee's for one last shot of Dee's fry sauce before leaving Utah and then back to the hotel to bed. That's a funny thing about vacation - you go to get away and rest and take a break from your regular life, but all that rest and enjoying yourself can be downright exhausting. Or maybe its not the vacation so much, but simply missing home that makes you so tired, which was very much the case for me. The vacation has been good and I've had fun but, damn, do I ever miss Portland and I'm ready to go home.

listening: -- . reading: crimson petal and the white

walk: 0 minutes . weight lost: 6 pounds