Title: Compulsion

November 16, 2005

Poor Ross has a cold. And a large growth named Simone.

Ross has gone to bed to sleep off his cold, so Simone has taken to sitting on him, staring at him constantly, and giving him the occasional headbutt, because Ross is being so rude as to not pay attention to her.

That lead to a frustrating cycle where, over and over, I'd hear an annoyed "Simone! Get off me!" then a loud thud from Ross catapulting Simone off the bed. I'd go into the bedroom and find both of them sulking. "She's stomping on me! And drooling on the blanket!" Ross complained, while Simone looked miffed, as if to say, 'what part of I'm the center of the universe don't you understand?'

They were like two kids who couldn't play nice together, and what do you do with cranky, unruly kids? That's right, you drug them. It was either that or duct tape, and they're both a bit furry for that. So I NyQuiled Ross, gave him the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, sleep through a two ton cat squishing you so you can get some rest medicine.

Now Ross is sound asleep, oblivious to his cold and the twenty pound cat sitting on his chest. If that's not a tribute to NyQuil's strength, I don't know what is. Of course, it would be nice to NyQuil Simone, too, so I could get her off Ross, but I'm not up to wrestling NyQuil down a hissing, scratching gelatinous blob. But maybe one day they'll make tuna flavored NyQuil for cats. Mmm, tuna NyQuil. Well, I can dream, anyway. But until then, there's always the duct tape...

listening: the beloved . reading: slaughterhouse-five

walk: 50 minutes . weight lost: 17.0 pounds