Title: Compulsion

November 12, 2005

PriusRoss has always been keen on the Toyota Prius. As an electric car nut, the thought of having a car that's at least partially electric rocked his geeky little socks off. And I've always been interested in the Prius because it gets great gas milage and is a super ultra low emission vehicle, which is important to me because I like to drive. A lot. So when the Mini Cooper didn't work out, the Prius was next on our list.

So that's what we did. We bought a Toyota Prius. And it was so simple. After spending the last few nights being tortured by car salesmen, I told Ross I'd rather have a root canal without novocaine than go car shopping again, so Ross and his brother went to look at the Prius. Ross called a little later to report that the Prius was oh so spiffy, I asked him if he really wanted it, and I could tell he was frothing at the mouth with excitement, so I told him to go ahead and buy it. "Are you sure you don't want to look at it or drive it?" he asked, but I said, nah, I trust you. Go ahead and buy it.

So... We have a new car! Well, technically it's used, it's a 2001, but it's new to us and in mint condition, so it might as well be brand new. I'm still in shock over this. The last week was so difficult and stressful, what with my car dying and the whole thing with the Mini Cooper, but it's all settled now. There's a spiffy Prius sitting in our parking space and it's all ours. It kind of makes my head spin.

Out with the old, crappy Honda that my parents gave me (that, in fact, used to be my mother's), and in with the hybrid that Ross and I bought. It sounds silly, I know, but it feels symbolic to no longer have to drive my mother's old car. There were so many strings, so many bad associations, attached to that car, but now we get to take it to the junkyard and scrap it. And suffice it to say that having a ton of family baggage literally removed from my life is very liberating indeed. It was a long time coming, but finally I am auto autonomous.

listening: prince . reading: slaughterhouse-five

walk: 50 minutes . weight lost: 17.0 pounds