Title: Compulsion

October 01, 2005

art museum
thing at art museum

Out and about, thanks to the fact that I actually slept last night, thus woke at a viable hour today. Rumour had it there was a world out there, and it seems that's true. I have photos to prove it.

We got lunch, then strolled through the park blocks, down to the portland art museum, which was having the grand opening of its new unexcitedly named Mark Building. But Mr. Mark donated a million plus dollars to the renovation, so Mark Building it will be called. Yawn

Good job with the renovation, though. The building was a masonic temple, a giant block of bricks that had been dowdying up the park blocks for 78 years, but now it's a big block of bricks with windows, cool lighting and modern art inside. And you know what they say, it's what's inside that counts.

But since today was exclusive donors only day, for those who donated lots of money to the museum, we were left to stroll around outside and peer in at all the rich people being hoity-toity. But, museum admission is free Oct 2-16, so us poor folk can be artsy as well (free tickets are available at Fred Meyers).

So, spiffaroo day, I just wish I'd had a better camera than the one on the cell phone. I guess that's something to put on the 'things to buy now that we'll have money again' list: smaller digital camera. My camera isn't exactly big, but big enough that I don't like to take it with me all the time because there's only so much room in my bag. So an iPod mini or nano and tiny digital camera would solve the problem. Of course, so would getting a bigger bag, but that's not as much fun.

listening: depeche mode . reading: slaughterhouse-five

walk: 20 minutes . weight lost: 19.5 pounds