Title: Compulsion

September 14, 2005 

Ross' birthday fast approaching on the 17th and we're once again in the irritating situation of having a lot of money coming, but just not having it yet, making birthday plans difficult. We have a $3,000 freelance check coming, but exactly when is unsure, and Ross is teaching fall term, which will mean extra money each month, but none of that is here yet.

Been a ball of stress the last few weeks. We're struggling financially and it's driving me nuts knowing we have so much money coming, yet still struggling to pay bills. Even more frustrating is that this happens every September, or at least every September since our income took a dive a few years ago. We use the extra money from Ross' spring class to get us through summer, but there's a few week gap between when that money runs out and his first check for fall term. And Ross' birthday is in the middle of that gap, which means no frills, low budget birthday. He doesn't complain, but it irks me. I'm sick of being poor.

Ross has been interviewing for a job, full time job with great pay and benefits, and his getting the job would help so much, but the interview process is taking forever. Ross is one of 3 candidates they've narrowed it down to and, after his four hour interview last week, he was told he's perfect for the job, but one of the people he still needs to interview with is on vacation. So he's gone through this long interview process and getting this job would be a god send, but he has to sit and wait for someone to get back from vacation. So frustrating.

That seems to be the theme of our lives anymore: Waiting. Money, people, jobs, life... We're waiting on it all. But with the way things are going, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Godot stops by before any of these other things show up. But at least there's the magic of plastic to help with birthday gifts. When all else fails, charge it. That and I'm hoping Ross will get the best birthday gift of all - a new job. Keep fingers crossed.

listening: nick cave . reading: Volcanoes of the Cascades

walk: 60 minutes . weight lost: 19.5 pounds