Title: Compulsion

June 30, 2005  Timbers lost again, but it wasnt so bad. They played Montreal, last season's champs and the only undefeated team in the league this season, and after a record breaking loss last game, I was worried we were going to get our asses handed to us tonight. But it was a close game, the boys played well, and in the end it was a 1-0 loss, the goal coming from a dubious penalty kick.

The highpoint of the game (lowpoint, some might say) was when the teams got in a fight. It happened after the penalty kick. After Montral scored, their team started running straight for the Timbers Army (hardcore fans), but as for what their intentions were, we'll never know, since Timbers midfielder Hugo Alcaraz Cuellar totally lost it and attacked the Montreal player who led the charge.

Our jaws dropped, first when Montreal started heading for us, and even more when Hugo attacked. Hugo is the last guy you'd expect to get in a fight, much less start it. He's so level headed and mild mannered, but when Montreal started heading for the Timbers Army, he went berzerk, attacked a Montreal player and got him in a head lock, at which point both teams erupted. Meanwhile, we all stood there looking like deer caught in the headlights.

The refs eventually got the brawl stopped, yellow carded both teams, and the game went on, but fans were unphased by the loss simply because of what Hugo did. People were as giddy as school girls in love over the fact that Hugo stood up for them, that he got so emotional over another team messing with the fans that he actually attacked. It's not uncommon to see players get into fights over the game, and sometimes players fight with opposing fans, but it's not often you see players fight to defend their fans.

But then the relationship between the Timbers and the fans is unique in how close knit it is, and that's what makes being a Timbers fan so great. The love and appreciation is a two way street. We love them and they put up with love us. It's warm fuzzies all around. And I'm sure that's just what the Timbers are shooting for, to become the care bears of pro soccer.

listening: depeche mode . reading: golden compass

walk: 47 minutes . weight lost: 17.0 pounds