Title: Compulsion

June 11, 2005

And to think, some people say they don't understand the appeal of soccer. Open your eyes, people! Do you need any more reason than this?

Swoon. Drool. It's Scot with one T Thompson, world class defender, total hottie, and poet extraordinaire.

I don't know if the Timbers Army has decided on a chant for Scot yet but, if they haven't, I'd like to request that it includes something about his thighs. And whip cream.

Oh yes, when I grow up, I want to be a trainer for the Timbers.

And to give credit where credit is due, I swiped this photo from Sax's photos of the recent Timbers road trip. The games might not have gone well on that trip, but the photos sure are nice. Especially cute is the one of Fadi and Hugo with the mountie. But then Hugo is always cute. And Fadi, Fadi, Fadi? Oi! Oi! Oi!

listening: portishead . reading: golden compass

walk: 60 minutes . weight lost: 16.0 pounds