Title: Compulsion

May 09, 2005   By the looks of today you'd swear it was January, what with how cold and rainy it is. But fitting on a Monday, and for someone who has yet to get back on their anti-depressant and is feeling a bit dismal. Not to mention referring to themselves in 3rd person. Yep, time to get back on the meds and cut down on coffee. Ten gallons a day seems to have strange effects.

And in the achievement department, I got a call in to my doctor so that I can get my antibiotics refilled and quell my latest bout of the plague, aka perioral dermatitis (not as bad as it sounds, just redness and dry skin around nose and mouth). Not to mention I thought ahead this time and got a prescription for diflucan, just in case the antibiotics have their infamous side effect. Grumble.

But, despite the rain and face rot, it was a bona fide good hair day, which makes even the dreariest day redeemable. Even if that good hair day is about to be doused by a long walk in the rain (the pursuit of a less jiggly butt trumps preservation of good hair day). But c'est la vie. I've got a cute husband, good food, and M*A*S*H waiting for me when I get home, and that's enough to make a little hermit like me content at day's end.

Like Sidney Freedman said, "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice."

listening: spiritualized . reading: nothing

walk: 51 minutes . weight lost: 20.0 pounds