Title: Compulsion

May 05, 2005   Life is virulent. Ross' ear infection is back with a vengance and my face rot has flared up again, making us both cranky, depressed, and, in my case, winner of the butt ugly award. The plague will do that to you.

I'd write more, but it would all be bitchy. Bitching about health problems and the mold in our bathroom that I think is causing them. Bitching about the apartment owners who swear there's no plumbing or mold problem in our bathroom, even though water sometimes flows through the light fixtures and there's mold on the ceiling. And since I'd already be bitching, I'd also rant about hating our neighbors and how, this morning, I layed in bed listening to their kid scream and prayed he'd inhale a pair of socks.

But, since I don't want to bitch...

listening: brian eno . reading: nothing

walk: 54 minutes . weight lost: 21.5 pounds