Title: Compulsion

May 01, 2005   Just saw a show about the concern some Americans feel over illegal immigrants. It focused on a middle aged white guy who is so pissed about illegal immigration from Mexico that he is devoting his life to fighting it. What got me was his rant about how "those people" are "colonizing" our country, not bothering to learn our language, and ruining our culture. The first thing that popped into my head when he said that was, "just like white people did to the Native Americans".

Seriously, this guy was bitching about how Hispanics are colonizong our country and not bothering to learn English, but I can't help but wonder how much of the Cherokee language this guy knows or how much of his precious land he'd be willing to give back to Native Americans. Have white Americans forgotten that they weren't the first ones here?

But thank god someone is fighting immigration because we sure wouldn't want to become a nation of immigrants or a melting pot or anything like that. Cultural diversity just does nasty things like make things more interesting, broaden our horizons, widen the gene pool, give us all sorts of great food, music, philosophy, etc. It must be stopped! Bland food and inbreeding forever!

Of course, I realize some people will argue that there are valid concerns with illegal immigration, and I'm not denying that. It's just that I don't think that getting one's white supremacist panties in a twist over it and rampant racism are the solution. America is a country, not a country club. Everyone should be welcome and treated as equals, regardless of whether they're white, black, or still waiting for a green card.

listening: roxy music . reading: nothing

walk: 40 minutes . weight lost: 21.5 pounds